Slot Number Wow Classic

Slot Number Wow Classic Rating: 7,4/10 8344 reviews
  1. Slot Numbers Wow Classic
  2. Slot Number Wow Classic Leatherworking
  3. Slot Number Wow Classic Mithril
  4. Slot Number Wow Classic Loot
  5. Wow Classic Bag Slot Number
  1. Here is a list of the item slot numbers for your character: Head = 1 Neck = 2 Shoulders = 3 Body = 4 (shirt) Chest = 5 Waist = 6 Legs = 7 Feet = 8 Wrist = 9 Hand = 10 Finger1 = 11 Finger2 = 12 Trinket1 = 13 Trinket2 = 14 Back = 15 Mainhand = 16 Offhand = 17 Tabard = 19. Here is a graphical explaination of your character's item slot numbers.
  2. 0 = ammo 1 = head 2 = neck 3 = shoulder 4 = shirt 5 = chest 6 = belt 7 = legs 8 = feet 9 = wrist 10 = gloves 11 = finger 1 12 = finger 2 13 = trinket 1.

Everybody knows that debuffs in classic are precious, so I thought I'd put together a list and open it up for discussion whether I've missed something or which debuff is more valuable or if a particular class/spec is better at applying the debuff.
Debuffs use a priority system, where lower priority debuffs will be dropped if the debuff cap is reached. For Classic the debuff cap is 16 debuffs. CC/Taunt effects have the highest priority. Curses/Sunder/Thunderclap type abilities have the second priority. Vulnerability type debuffs(like winter's chill, shadowweaving) have third and DoTs have the lowest priority.

If you wait 30 minutes and still can't use the extra slots after relogging, reset your user interface to resolve any possible conflicts with addons. If you remove either the Authenticator or Phone Number, your backpack reverts to its original size, the slots show as locked again, and the items in those slots are moved to free slots in another bag.

Armor reduction debuffs:
Curse of Recklessness: Warlock #3, depending on how the final armor values shake out, we may only need this curse on Warrior type bosses
Sunder Armor: Protection Warrior #1, Pro-tip: every Warrior hits Sunder Armor once at the start of the fight to stack up to 5 instantly.
Expose Armor: Rogue, however does not stack with Sunder Armor. If talented, a 5 point Expose will reduce armor by 300 more than a full stack of Sunder Armor.
Annihilator: Warrior(s) Pro-tip: multiple dps/off-tanks with Annihilator to stack up, then swap to their regular weapons except for 1 to keep up the debuff. Lasts 45 seconds.
Faerie Fire: Druid, easiest applied by a feral druid off-tank using Feral Faerie Fire.

Magic damage increasing debuffs:
Curse of Shadow: Warlock #1
Curse of Elements: Warlock #2
Winter's Chill: Frost Mage
Shadow Weaving: Shadow Priest, however a Powerweaving(heavy Disc but enough for shadowweaving) or Holyweaving(heavy Holy, but enough for shadowweaving) Priest can fill the role as well. Typically Shadowweaving will take up additional debuffs slots from Shadow Word: Pain and Mind Flay, although once it is stacked up to 5 it can be easily kept up with Mind Blast on cooldown, say from Power/Holy weaving spec.
Nightfall: Phase 3, Off-tank Warrior is considered the best wielder of Nightfall because that gives them something to do when not tanking. Enhance Shaman/Ret Paladin/Wing Clip Hunter may have better uptime but these specs tend to be low priority for gearing.
Improved Shadow Bolt: Warlock, preferably several to keep the debuff rolling.
Improved Scorch: Mage, though we shouldn't see this until later phases as most of the bosses in MC are very resistant to fire damage.
Flame Buffet: Arcanite Dragonling, though we shouldn't see this until later phases as most of the bosses in MC are very resistant to fire damage.
Judgement of the Crusader: Paladin increases holy damage. However, unless you have a large number of Smite Priests it is not worth the debuff slot.

Ranged Attack Power
Hunter's Mark: Hunter, can be talented to increase the attack power. Since this debuff really only affects Hunters, unless you have quite a few in the raid it should probably be skipped.
Expose Weakness: Hunter from the 8 piece bonus of T2. It doesn't last very long and only affects Hunters.

Physical Damage
Hemorrhage: Subtlety Rogue, however does not stack with Gift of Arthas and has limited charges. Replace that rogue with a gift from our lord and savior, Arthas. I may have mained a Death Knight...
Gift of Arthas: Main Tank, this is effectively adding a Dense Sharpening Stone to everyone in the raid. Assuming that a hunter with a 3.0 weapon uses a pet with a 1.5 attack speed, this is better than Hunter's Mark even for the hunter. Hunter pets, Rogues and Feral Druids get the most benefit out of this debuff due to attack speed.

Thunderclap: Warrior, since this is only usable in Battle Stance, either an off-tank or an Arms warrior should keep this active. The main tank can do it in a pinch, but it requires stance-dancing.
Thunderfury: Warrior, this does not stack with Thunderclap, but is better anyway.
Demoralizing Shout/Demoralizing Roar: Warrior, because Demoralizing Shout is a larger reduction in attack power, though both can be talented to increase the amount.
Curse of Weakness: Warlock... #4?, reduces the damage of the boss by 31, though can be talented for an additional 20% and further amplified by 50% from Amplify Curse. Reducing a boss' damage by 55 damage may not sound like much, but that is roughly the equivalent to 780 attack power. However, very likely to be skipped.
Insect Swarm: Druid, while it does reduce the chance of the boss hitting by 2% it is likely not worth the debuff slot.

Notable Miscellaneous
Ignite: Mage, though we shouldn't see this until later phases as most of the bosses in MC are very resistant to fire damage. Ignite may buck the trend and actually be on the Vulnerabilities priority.
Judgement of Light: Paladin, melee attacks against the target heal for a small amount.
Judgement of Wisdom: Paladin, attacks and spells against the target have a chance to return 59 mana.
Vindication/Scorpid Sting: Ret Paladin/Hunter, it is unclear how raid bosses are affected by Strength/Agility losses.
Vampiric Embrace: Shadow Priest, however to get the most of the healing you would need to allocate 4 debuffs to that shadow priest alone.

So what am I missing other than explicitly listing out the best 16 debuffs?

'Hands' redirects here. For the hozen, see Hands (hozen).
  • 1Armor
  • 2Non-armor
  • 3Weapons
  • 4Decorative
  • 5Other
  • 6Removed

There are 18 equipment slots on a character, as well as 4 bag slots above the Micro Menu and a mount equipment slot in the Mount Journal. The combination of equipment slot and item type is often the first categorization of items used.


The eight armor slots may have one of four types of armor: cloth, leather, mail, and plate. Each class may equip only certain types of armor.


Equipment names
helm, helmet, mask, lens, monocle, cap, headpiece, crown, circlet, shroud, cowl, hood, headband, goggles, coif, headdress, chapeau, barbute
Meta gems, Gems


Equipment names
amice, spaulders, pads, pauldrons, mantle, monnions, epaulets, shoulder, shoulderpads, shoulderguards
Shoulders enchants, Gems, Inscriptions (inscribers only)


Equipment names
robes, vest, tunic, armor, wraps, harness, hauberk, jerkin, chain, breastplate, blouse, chestpiece
Chest enchants and armor kits, Gems


Equipment names
bindings, armguards, cuffs, bracers, vambraces, wristguards, bracelets
Wrist enchants, Gems, Fur Lining (Leatherworkers only), [Socket Bracer] (Blacksmiths only)


Equipment names
gloves, gauntlets, mitts, mittens
Hands enchants and armor kits, Gems, Tinkers (Engineers only), [Socket Gloves] (Blacksmiths only)


Equipment names
belt, girdle, sash, cinch, cord
Belt Buckles, Gems, Tinkers (Engineers only)


'Legs' redirects here. For the companion, see [Legs].
Equipment names
chausses, trousers, breeches, leggings, kilt, dungarees, loincloth, woollies, pants, britches
Legs armor kits and spellthreads, Gems


Equipment names
boots, walkers, greaves, footwraps, sabatons, slippers, shoes, stompers, footpads
Feet enchants and armor kits, Gems


Non-armor gear only has one type, so there will be nothing in the 'type' spot in item tooltips.


Equipment names
amulet, lei, talisman, medallion, necklace, charm, choker, chain, pendant, collar.


Equipment names
cape, blanket, cloak, drape, mantle
Back enchants, Gems, Embroideries (Tailors only), Tinkers (Engineers only)


Equipment names
ring, band, signet, seal, loop, circle.
Enchantments (Enchanters only), Gems

Two finger slots are available


Gems (Jewelcrafters only)

Two trinket slots are available


Main-Hand (One-Hand/Two-Hand)

Main-hand items,
One-hand items,
Two-hand items categories
Weapon types
Axe, Bow, Crossbow, Dagger, Fist weapon, Gun, Mace, Polearm, Staff, Sword, Wand, Fishing Pole
Weapon enchants, Counterweights, Weapon Chains, Fishing line (fishing pole only)

The Main Hand slot can hold main hand, one-handed or two-handed weapons. If a two-handed weapon is equipped, the off-hand slot must be empty unless the character is a warrior with the [Titan's Grip] talent.

Off-Hand (One-Hand/Two-Hand)

Weapon types
Axe, Dagger, Held In Off-hand, Fist weapon, Mace, Shield, Sword
Enchantments, Counterweights, Weapon Chains, Shield Spike

The Off Hand slot can hold off hand or one-handed weapons (Dual wielding classes only), shields (warrior, paladin and shaman only) or Held In Off-hand frill items. If a two-handed weapon is equipped in the main hand slot, this slot must be empty unless the character is a Fury warrior with [Titan's Grip].


Slot Number Wow Classic

Decorative items only have one type, so there will be nothing in the 'type' spot in item tooltips. Decorative items have no stats and cannot be upgraded.






The subject of this section has been removed from World of Warcraft.


Ranged or Relic

Equipment slots in macros

Slot Numbers Wow Classic

When creating macros based on 'click to use' items (especially trinkets), the common practice is to enter the actual item name. However, using the numeric equipment slot identifiers eliminates the need to manually modify macros after upgrading a particular item.

Slot Number Wow Classic

These slot designations are particularly handy for engineers whose Tinker enhancements and Engineering-only items add and/or posses an 'on use' ability for items in the Back, Belt, Foot and Head slot that would not normally posses such capability for non-engineers.

Here are is a complete list of each equipment slot and its numeric designation for macro purposes

Slot Number Wow Classic Leatherworking

Finger 1 (Top)11
Finger 2 (Bottom)12
Trinket 1 (Top)13
Trinket 2 (Bottom)14
Main Hand16
Off Hand17

Patch changes

Slot Number Wow Classic Mithril

  • Patch 5.0.4 (2012-08-28): Range/Relic slots are being removed from all classes. Range weapons (bows, guns, wands) will use the main hand slot.
  • Patch 4.0.1 (2010-10-12): The ammo mechanic was removed from the game, and the ammo slot was removed along with changing ammo items to gray items.

Slot Number Wow Classic Loot

Always accessible
  • Micro Menu
    • Character info
      • Paper doll
        • Character Stats
        • Equipment slot
    • Spellbook & Abilities
    • Specialization & Talents
      • Talents
    • Achievements
    • Map & Quest Log
    • Guild & Communities
      • Guild
    • Group Finder
      • Player vs. Player
    • Collections
    • Game Menu
      • Help
  • Minimap
  • Socials
    • Friends / Ignore list
  • Portrait
  • Auction House
  • Bank
  • Warboard
  • Headhunter
    • Lysa Serion
    • Akanja
  • A New Direction
  • Fel Secrets
  • Heart Forge
  • Scrappers
    • Scrap-O-Matic 1000
    • Shred-Master Mk1
    • Jani's Junkpile
  • War Campaign
    • Kul Tiras Campaign
    • Zandalar Campaign
  • Warfront
  • Covenant
  • Character

Wow Classic Bag Slot Number

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